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電            話             情             人




導演 Director|時一修 Yi hsiu, Shih

劇作家 |王友輝 Yu hui, Wang

舞台設計 Set Design|吳子敬 Tzu ching, Wu

燈光設計 Lighting Design|邱慧珊 Hui shan, Chiu

影像設計 Video Design| 吳亭昀 Ting yun, Wu

服裝設計 Costume Design|張義宗 Yi tsung,Chang

技術設計 Technical Design|劉冠佑 Guan yo, Liu

音樂設計 Music Design|黃彥勳 Yen hsun, Huang

劇照攝影 Photographer|李欣哲 Hsin che, Li

演員 Actors|蔡超聖 Chao sheng, Tsai、吳志維 Chih wei, Wu

演出時間 Date|May. 26-28 , 2017

演出地點 Venue|北藝大戲劇系T205教室

                          TNUA Theatrical Dept. room T205 / Taipei, Taiwan


The story takes place in the 1990’s. Dana is a guitarist who has no liking for complicated social life and prefers to stay alone. He likes men and, just like everyone else, longs for finding “The One”. Through telegram dating, Dana meets Eric, whom he slowly falls for as each call ends. Sadly, they lose track of each other due to a telegraph road construction. Used to Eric’s warmth and company, Dana finds it difficult to move on, for too many traces of Eric are left in his world……. 


Through the use of a single narrative line, Dana’s monologue, in the story, Dana’s solitude is strongly emphasised. Since Eric appears to be a reflection of Dana, their overlapping of space on stage signifies the merging of two hearts. 

To build a 90’s ambiance, the image design in this play consists of slides, old-fashion projection, and the texture of black-and-white photograph. The whole stage is covered with images, adding yet another layer of narrative space to the overlapping one that has already exist in the story between the two leading characters. Also, they could serve as the transitional supplements for the story or the carrier that exhibits the inner worlds of the two characters. My image design attempts to extend the narrative space of the play, weaving abstract emotions and actual incidents into the the narration and making it possible for the genuine and the illusionary to be intertwined and complemented in a imaginary space.



(short cut)


(complete version)

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