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野 草




製作 Produced / 夢遺少女 Girls in Wet Dream Troupe

導演&編舞 Director & Choreographer / 李柏良 LI, PO-LIANG

舞台設計 Set Design / 吳亭昀 WU, TING-YUN

燈光設計 Lighting Design / 邵智鴻 SHAO, CHIH-HUNG

服裝設計 Costume Design / 林立權 LIN, LI-CHUAN

髮妝設計 Hair&Makeup / 鍾其甫 CHUNG, CHI-FU


演出時間 Date / August. 28-30 , 2017

演出地點 Venue / 知新劇場 Zhixin Theater


This Performance won the THUMB UPS Prize in 2017 Taipei Fringe Festival.



The harem pants you wore resembled a skirt.

With a pin I pierced myself in the left ear.

You and she cut off the long black hair,

Whilst he roared, “we’re all the same,” barefoot;

We’re all the same, standing here on this land.


Children of the mountain and the sea

Were grown and kicked to the concrete jungle,

Where there’s no night owls nor axis deers. 

And up to the sky we see a dragonfly buzzing, 

Casting shadows like dreams dozing beneath pillow.


“Weeds” was a dance narrating the aboriginals who born up in the surrounding of beautiful sceneries and intimate familyhood couldn’t help leaving their homes and lived alone in the city when they grew up. They tried to find the  roots of themselves, the threads of the losing culture and faced the contradiction of the merging culture between the tribes and the cities.


We used hemp ropes as texture to symbolized little, yet wild and determined vitality of people who left there original home and lived alone in the city forest.The hemp ropes were hung upon the ceiling, released into tassels and cut in uneven length. It resembled the millets which the aboriginals used to hang up and preserve for a longer time.


I created a large curtain by hanging down the hemp ropes to the floor. This curtain not only served as a back drop but also established a variety of spaces with the dancers’ interactional movements. Furthermore, with the light coming from the back stage, the rough and irregular lines of the texture were exaggerated, and its shadows on the floor produced a sharp image of sunshine beams. Through this organic and interactive scenery, I attempted to make the performers felt the authentic sight in their memories of hometowns or present homes by touching the scene and triggered their interaction into dance and story.


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